NPU Guidance – Extreme Weather This Week

With temperatures likely to exceed 90 degrees in Norwich and the humidity expected to increase, NPU expects demand for electricity to be very high through the middle of the week. By encouraging energy efficiency, NPU hopes to decrease the impact on its electrical infrastructure while the high temperatures persist.

Consent Agreement

NPU has entered into a Consent Agreement with the CT Department of Public Health (DPH) to address disinfection by product levels in our water.  Read more here.

NPU, ECHO partner on $500,000 rehabilitation of 32 affordable family housing units in Norwich

Latest investment brings NPU’s total affordable housing support with ECHO to more than $4.5 million since 2004 NORWICH – On Tuesday, Norwich Public Utilities (NPU) announced an investment of $500,000 through a Connecticut Housing Finance Authority’s tax credit program to rehabilitate 32 affordable family rental units in Norwich that are owned and operated by Eastern 


NPU lança Let Us In – você pode ganhar campanha para promover a inspeção de gás natural e amp; programa de segurança. Os clientes do lado leste, Greeneville, Laurel Hill, Taftville e Preston de gás natural terão a chance de ganhar um crédito NPU de $ 500.


NPU lanza Let In: una campaña para promover la inspección del gas natural & amp; programa de seguridad Los clientes de gas natural de East Side, Greeneville, Laurel Hill, Taftville y Preston tendrán la oportunidad de ganar un crédito de $ 500 de NPU.

En vedette

NPU lance Let Us In – You Might Win campagne pour promouvoir l’inspection du gaz naturel et amp; programme de sécurité. Les clients d’East Side, de Greeneville, de Laurel Hill, de Taftville et de Preston auront une chance de gagner un crédit NPU de 500 $.


NPU启动让我们进来 – 您可能会赢得宣传天然气检测和推广的活动。 安全计划。 东边,格林维尔,劳雷尔山,塔夫维尔和普雷斯顿天然气客户将有机会赢得500美元的NPU信贷。

Let Us In

NPU Launches Let Us In – You Might Win campaign to promote natural gas inspection & safety program. East Side, Greeneville, Laurel Hill, Taftville and Preston natural gas customers will have a chance to win a $500 NPU credit.