Learn more about the Medical Reserve Corps

The first response to any crisis or disaster is a local response.

Uncas Health Medical Reserves Corp (MRC) is recruiting volunteers to respond during public health emergencies and assist in activities that promote health and safety in our community. No prior experience is required – just the willingness to support your community in times of need.

Uncas MRC volunteers are crucial during emergencies by assisting with the following:

  • First aid and triaging patients
  • Distributing medication and vaccines
  • Screening and assessment
  • Data entry and telephone support
  • Crowd and traffic control
  • Shelter support services
  • Language interpretation
  • Health education

Anyone can volunteer for the Uncas MRC and everyone has something to offer. In addition to medical professionals and emergency responders, community members without medical training are also urgently needed to assist with the many support functions. Uncas MRC volunteers are provided free training.

When a disaster or public health emergency occurs, local emergency resources may be quickly overwhelmed. Volunteers who are pre-identified, pre-credentialed and pre-trained are vital for emergency response efforts.

For more information, visit @uncasmrc on Facebook or email MRC@uncashd.org.