NPU receives prestigious SOAR for operational excellence

The American Public Gas Association (APGA) presented NPU with the prestigious APGA System Operational Achievement Recognition (SOAR) for excellence in operating its natural gas utility. Public natural gas systems are entrusted by their customers to deliver clean and affordable natural gas through a safe and reliable distribution pipeline system. To accomplish this mission, a forward-thinking 

Cool off this summer with CHIPP

As the dog days of summer heat up, there has never been a better time to take advantage of CHIPP, Norwich Public Utilities’ (NPU) Cooling & Heating Incentive Pilot Program. Residential and small commercial customers who install a qualifying cold climate heat pump (an all-in-one heating and air conditioning system) will receive a $1,200 per 

NPU approves framework for wastewater Inter-Municipal Agreement

In September 2019, the Sewer Authority of the City of Norwich approved the framework of a 20-year, inter-municipal agreement with the Towns of Bozrah, Franklin, Lisbon, Preston and Sprague to provide wastewater plant capacity. The towns must now approve individual contracts with NPU through their individual Water Pollution Control Authorities (WPCAs). Each town will pay 

NPU recognized as Smart Energy Provider

Norwich Public Utilities (NPU) has earned a Smart Energy Provider (SEP) designation from the American Public Power Association (APPA) for demonstrating commitment to and proficiency in energy efficiency, distributed generation, and environmental initiatives that support a goal of providing low-cost, quality, safe, and reliable electric service. “We’re honored to be recognized for our efforts to 

Don’t forget the utilities when planning a new location

By Fawn Walker Norwich Public Utilities I recently sat in on a teleconference seminar hosted by the Community Economic Development Fund (CEDF) about the range of issues to consider before buying a commercial building. There was a lot of very helpful information provided on the financial aspects of the transaction but very little provided about 

Let Us In

NPU Launches Let Us In – You Might Win campaign to promote natural gas inspection & safety program. East Side, Greeneville, Laurel Hill, Taftville and Preston natural gas customers will have a chance to win a $500 NPU credit.


NPU启动让我们进来 – 您可能会赢得宣传天然气检测和推广的活动。 安全计划。 东边,格林维尔,劳雷尔山,塔夫维尔和普雷斯顿天然气客户将有机会赢得500美元的NPU信贷。