
Electric – Natural Gas

Converting to natural gas is easy and affordable!

NPU has a comprehensive program that combines financial incentives with conversion cost discounts to make the decision to switch to natural gas a reasonable option. For detailed program information, please call 860-823-4514 or email to .

Customer-Owned Underground Natural Gas Pipelines: Some underground natural gas pipelines are the private property of the owner. Customer-owned pipeline is defined as any buried gas line away from the gas meter. Typically, customer-owned natural gas lines are used to supply hot water and hot water to another structure, such as a detached garage, but can also be used to heat swimming pools and cook on gas grills. If you have this type of gas line on your property, it is your responsibility to have any inspection and necessary repair or replacement of the customer-owned gas line performed by a qualified professional such as a licensed heating/cooling contractor or plumber. If the pipeline is metal, the buried gas pipeline should be checked regularly for leaks and corrosion. If a gas leak is detected, it may be necessary to temporarily interrupt your gas service until repairs can be made. Please remember to dial the toll-free number before calling (by dialing 811). Before undertaking any excavation work, it is important to know the exact location of all underground utilities. When digging near buried gas lines, all excavation work must be done by hand.
If you suspect a gas line problem, call 860-887-7207 Call the NPU’s natural gas emergency line.

Excess flow valve customer notice

As of April 14, 2017, new federal regulations require all natural gas utilities to notify customers of the availability of an optional natural gas shutoff device called an excess flow valve (EFV). For more information, click here.